Nutrition & Lifestyle >>
  Targeted Nutritional Interventions for Improved Cognitive, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal & Musculoskeletal Health

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 1: Cognizin: A Novel Ingredient to Support Healthy Cognitive Function

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 2: Sustamine: A New Approach for Rehydration & Improved Electrolyte Balance

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 3: Pantesin: A Novel Form of Pantethine (Vitamin B5) to Support Heart Health

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 4: Setria: A Unique Form of Reduced Glutathione for Reducing Oxidative Stress

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Diagnostics >>
  Predictive Antibodies: Clinical Applications for Early Detection of Autoimmunity

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 6

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS Thomas Alexander, MD Chad Larson, DC, NMD (candidate)

Lecture 1: Predictive Antibodies

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS

Lecture 2: Gastrointestinal and Liver

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Thomas Alexander, MD

Lecture 3: Thyroid, Adrenal, Reproductive Organs

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Chad Larson, DC, NMD (candidate)

Lecture 4: Cardiovascular and Diabetes

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Thomas Alexander, MD

Lecture 5: Bone and Joint

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Chad Larson, DC, NMD (candidate)

Lecture 6: Neurological

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD

Healing Traditions >>
  Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine: Clinical Principles in Maharishi Ayurveda


Topic 1: Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Maharishi Ayurveda


Lecture: Overview and History: Ayurveda and Maharishi Ayurveda
Lecture: Ayurvedic Physiology: The Role of Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Topic 2: Maharishi Ayurveda Modalities

Lecturer: Prerequisite: Topic 1

Lecture: Diagnostic Approach to the Patient
Lecture: Spices and Aromas
Lecture: Ayurvedic Herbology
Lecture: Daily Routine and Behavioral Guidelines
Lecture: Scientific Research on Maharishi Ayurveda
Topic 3: Fundamentals of Diet and Digestion

Lecturer: Prerequisite: Topics 1 & 2

Lecture: Fundamentals of Digestion and Diet - 1
Lecture: Fundamentals of Digestion and Diet – 2
Lecture: General Clinical Digestive Protocols
Lecture: Vata, Pitta and Kapha Digestive Protocols
Topic 4: Ayurvedic Approach to Common Chronic Disorders

Lecturer: Prerequisite: Topics 1, 2 & 3

Lecture: Obesity
Lecture: Metabolic Disorder Protocols
Lecture: Women’s Reproductive Health
Lecture: Menopause
Lecture: Musculoskeletal Disorders & Protocols
Holistic Perspectives >>
  Holistic & Integrative Medicine in Clinical Practice: An ABIHM Mini-Course

Lecturer: Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC, ABIHM Patrick Hanaway, MD, ABIHM David Rakel, MD, ABIHM Scott Shannon, MD, ABIHM Wendy Warner, MD, FACOG, ABIHM

Lecture 1: The Science of Connection

Lecturer: Erminia “Mimi” Guarneri, MD

Lecture 2: Introduction to Functional Medicine

Lecturer: Patrick Hanaway, MD

Lecture 3: Placebos, Nocebos & the Healing Power of Intention

Lecturer: David Rakel, MD

Lecture 4: Holistic Approaches to Adult Psychiatry

Lecturer: Scott Shannon, MD

Lecture 5: Menopause: A Powerful Transition

Lecturer: Wendy Warner, MD, FACOG, ABIHM

Practice Development >>
  2015 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Erik Lundquist, MD Pedram Shojai, OMD Niki Fox Decker Weiss, NMD Mark Menolascino, MD Jill Carnahan, MD Jim LaValle, RPh Mette Dyhrberg Bridget Briggs, MD Miriam Zacharias, MS, LPSN Jacques Simon, Esq Tom O'Bryan, DC Sylva Dvorak, PhD Scott Minton, PhD

Lecture 1: Journey of an Integrative Physician--Key Lessons Learned

Lecturer: Erik Lundquist, MD

Lecture 2: Opportunities in Corporate Wellness

Lecturer: Pedram Shojai, OMD

Lecture 3: Insurance-Based Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Erik Lundquist, MD, Niki Fox

Lecture 4: Practice Development Roundtable Q&A

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD, Erik Lundquist, MD, Niki Fox, Pedram Shojai, OMD

Lecture 5: New Perspectives on Inflammation

Lecturer: Decker Weiss, NMD

Lecture 6: Fire on the Brain: Impact of Inflammation on Cognitive Function

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD

Lecture 7: Making Clinical Sense of the Microbiome

Lecturer: Jill Carnahan, MD

Lecture 8: Cracking the Metabolic Code

Lecturer: Jim LaValle, RPh

Lecture 9: How to Build a Cash-Pay Practice

Lecturer: Jill Carnahan, MD

Lecture 10: Choosing Ancillary Services for Improved Outcomes & New Revenue

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD

Lecture 11: HolisTech: IT Tips for Renewing the Patient-Practitioner Relationship

Lecturer: Mette Dyhrberg

Lecture 12: Implementing Genomics into Your Practice

Lecturer: Bridget Briggs, MD

Lecture 13: The PEACE Process: Practice-Building Tips from Prosperous Practitioners

Lecturer: Miriam Zacharias, MS, LPSN

Lecture 14: Medicolegal Update for Integrative Practitioners

Lecturer: Jacques Simon, Esq

Lecture 15: The Neurological Underbelly of the Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Lecturer: Tom O’Bryan, DC

Lecture 16: Ritual & Neural Pathways for New Practice Paradigms

Lecturer: Sylva Dvorak, PhD

Lecture 17: Building Metabolic Bedrock: Nutritional Principles for Effective Management of Cardiovascular & Nervous System Dysfunctions

Lecturer: Scott Minton, PhD

Lecture 18: Assessing Chronic Fatigue in Clinical Practice

Lecturer: Bridget Briggs, MD

  2014 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD, CHAIRMAN Susan Blum, MD Tom O'Bryan, DC Shayma Kazmi, MD, RPh Mark Tager, MD James Maskell Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD Jacques Simon, Esq Sarath Malepati, MD Ron Hoffman, MD Joel Evans, MD Anita Teresa Boeninger, RYT Melissa Crispell Joseph Hickey, MD Mette Dyhrberg Thomas Blomseth Christiansen Lillie Rosenthal, DO Mark Menolascino, MD Georgia Tetlow, MD Aimon Kopera, MD & Peter Evans, PhD

Lecture 1: The Immune System Recovery Plan

Lecturer: Susan Blum, MD

Lecture 2: Identifying Food Sensitivities: From Tunnelvision to Macrovision

Lecturer: Tom O'Bryan, DC

Lecture 3: Blum Center for Health: An Integrative Medicine Practice Model

Lecturer: Susan Blum, MD

Lecture 4: Projecting Your Expertise

Lecturer: Tom O'Bryan, DC

Lecture 5: Genomic Medicine: The Future of Cancer Care

Lecturer: Shayma Kazmi, MD, RPh

Lecture 6: Total Engagement: How Practitioners Can Go From Grumpy to Great

Lecturer: Mark Tager, MD

Lecture 7: Get the Word Out & Get the Patients In: Online & Offline Strategies for Local Patient Acquisition

Lecturer: James Maskell

Lecture 8: Nutrient Depletion: The Hidden Epidemic

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD

Lecture 9: The Implications and Impact of Polypharmacy on Aging

Lecturer: Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD

Lecture 10: Emerging Perspectives in State & Federal Regulatory Actions Related to the Practice of CAM

Lecturer: Jacques Simon, Esq

Lecture 11: The Antibiotics Problem: Our Problem, Our Responsibility

Lecturer: Sarath Malepati, MD

Lecture 12: Media as Medicine: Lessons Learned at the Crossroad of Clinical Practice & Broadcast Media

Lecturer: Ron Hoffman, MD

Lecture 13: If I Dared to Dream….The Future of Holistic & Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Joel Evans, MD

Lecture 14: Credentialling & Certification Roundtable: Making Sense of New & Established Credentials in Integrative Healthcare

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD, Mark Tager, MD, Joel Evans, MD

Lecture 15: Moving Forward: Mind-Body Practices for Empowerment & Change

Lecturer: Anita Teresa Boeninger, RYT

Lecture 16: Breakout Session A: Identify Hidden Immune Burdens with Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) Test of Immune Resilience

Lecturer: Melissa Crispell, Joseph Hickey, MD

Lecture 17: Breakout Session B: Know Thy Patients: Using Technology to Facilitate Health Improvement

Lecturer: Mette Dyhrberg, Thomas Blomseth Christiansen

Lecture 18: Breakout Session C: Rediscovering the Joy in Medicine—How to Thrive in a Broken System

Lecturer: Lillie Rosenthal, DO

Lecture 19: Alumni Trackout A: A Practice Transformation Toolkit for The Era of Personalized Medicine

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD

Lecture 20: Alumni Trackout B: Self-Care & Resilience During the Transition

Lecturer: Georgia Tetlow, MD

Lecture 21: Alumni Trackout C: Tech Tips & Tools for Building Your Web Presence

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD, James Maskell

Lecture 22: Alumni Trackout D: Technology & the Consumer Revolution—A Platform for Holistic Lifestyle

Lecturer: Aimon Kopera, MD, Peter Evans, PhD

Lecture 23: Taking Action & Moving Forward: Practical Steps for Practice Transformation

Lecturer: Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD

  PRACTICE ESSENTIALS—Activating the Three Key Drivers of Practice Success

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

LECTURE 1: Practice Essentials Driver #1: Business Development

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

LECTURE 2: Practice Essentials Driver #2: Creating a WOW Experience

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

LECTURE 3: Practice Essentials Driver #3: Administrative Excellence

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

  2013 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Erik Goldman Jeff Gladd, MD Shilpa Saxena, MD Michael Gaeta, Lac Chad Larson, NMD, DC Steven Masley, MD David Perlmutter, MD Marcela Dominguez, MD Erin Martin, DO Richard Jaffe, Esq. Deanna Minich, PhD Harry Massey Miriam Zacharias James Maskell John La Puma, MD Tina Beaudoin, ND Mette Dyhrberg & Thomas Blomseth Christiansen

Lecture 1: Primary Care at the Tipping Point: Key Findings from HPC’s 2013 Physician Survey

Lecturer: Erik Goldman

Lecture 2: Facing Fears & Moving Forward: Transforming Inner Obstacles to Success

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD

Lecture 3: The Need for Implementing Functional & Integrative Medicine in Primary Care

Lecturer: Shilpa Saxena, MD

Lecture 4: Practical Steps for Implementing Group Visits in Primary Care

Lecturer: Shilpa Saxena, MD

Lecture 5: Asset Creation & Asset Protection—Improving Patient Care & Practice Success

Lecturer: Michael Gaeta, LAc

Lecture 6: Are Chemicals & Infections Contributing to Your Patients’ Clinical Complaints?

Lecturer: Chad Larson, DC, NMD

Lecture 7: Evidence-Based Weight Loss: How to Make it a Viable Part of Your Practice

Lecturer: Steven Masley, MD

Lecture 8: The Leading Edge of Functional Neurology—Modifying the Risk Factors for Cognitive Disorders

Lecturer: David Perlmutter, MD

Lecture 9: Integrative Medicine in a Concierge Model: Tips for Making the Transition

Lecturer: Marcela Dominguez, MD

Lecture 10: The TrueMed Model of Independent Integrative Practice

Lecturer: Erin Martin, DO

Lecture 11: Medicolegal Intensive: Key Legal & Regulatory Issues in Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Rick Jaffe, Esq

Lecture 12: The Future of Personalized Lifestyle Medicine: Application to the Clinic

Lecturer: Deanna Minich, PhD

Lecture 13: Mapping the Human Energy Field

Lecturer: Harry Massey

Lecture 14: Thrive: Fast Track Your Holistic Practice Without Losing Your Shirt, Your Mind, or Your Soul

Lecturer: Miriam G. Zacharias, MS, LPSN

Lecture 15: Leveraging Your Time: Using Video for Effective Patient Education & Motivation

Lecturer: James Maskell

Lecture 16: Helping Men Refuel: Implementing Lasting Lifestyle Strategies for Adult Males

Lecturer: John La Puma, MD

Lecture 17: Breakout Session A: Know Thy Patients: Using Technology to Facilitate Health Improvement

Lecturer: Mette Dyhrberg, Thomas Blomseth Christiansen

  2012 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Philippa Kennealy, MD Erminia “Mimi” Guarneri, MD Steven Masley, MD Corey Evans, MD Aristo Vojdani, PhD Aristo Vojdani, PhD Michelle May, MD Miriam Zacharias, PhD Tim Brolus Sara Gottfried, MD Molly & Bruce Roberts, MD Hans Vink, PhD Alan Dumoff, JD, MSW James Maskell & Miriam Zacharias Bethany Hays, MD Jaclyn Chasse, ND Jeff Gladd, MD Chris Shoffner

Lecture 1: Practicing Like a Healer, Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

Lecturer: Philippa Kennealy, MD

Lecture 2: Practice Management Lessons Learned from the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Erminia “Mimi” Guarneri, MD

Lecture 3: Integrative Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction

Lecturer: Steven Masley, MD, Conference Chairman, Founder & Director, Masley Optimal Health Center, St. Petersburg, FL.

Lecture 4: Exercise Stress Testing in Primary Care

Lecturer: Corey Evans, MD

Lecture 5: From Leaky Gut to Autoimmunity: Next Generation Assessment Tools

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD

Lecture 6: Lessons Learned on the Path to Integrative Private Practice

Lecturer: Jeffrey Gladd, MD

Lecture 7: Mindful Eating: An Essential Ingredient for Sustainable Lifestyle Change

Lecturer: Michelle May, MD

Lecture 8: Time Management Tactics to Enhance Practice Productivity

Lecturer: Miriam Zacharias, PhD

Lecture 9: The Three Key Drivers for Practice Success: A New Mindset for Activating Your Potential

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

Lecture 10: The Care & Feeding of a Sustainable, Independent, Women’s Health Practice

Lecturer: Sara Gottfried, MD

Lecture 11: The Integrative “Specialist” Consultant: A New & Effective Practice Model

Lecturer: Molly & Bruce Roberts, MD

Lecture 12: The Endothelial Glycocalyx & Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

Lecturer: Hans Vink, PhD

Lecture 13: Top Ten Medicolegal Mistakes Integrative Practitioners Make….And How to Avoid Them

Lecturer: Alan Dumoff, JD, MSW

Lecture 14: Beyond Marketing: Why the Internet Should Be Holistic Medicine’s Best Friend

Lecturer: James Maskell & Miriam Zacharias

Lecture 15: The Circle Process, Staff Satisfaction & the Successful Integrative Practice: Lessons Learned from the True North Clinic

Lecturer: Bethany Hays, MD

Lecture 16: Office-Based Supplement Dispensing

Lecturer: Jaclyn Chasse, ND

Lecture 17: Creating Your Ideal Practice

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD

Lecture 18: Changing How We Pay for HealthCare

Lecturer: Chris Shoffner

Botanical Medicine >>
  Coming soon
Chronic Disease Care >>
  Coming soon

HTP 2015 San Diego

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  • Botanical Medicine
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2014 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

2014 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Learn practical, field-tested strategies that will help you put the Health back in healthcare! This course features lectures from the popular Heal Thy Practice-Transforming Patient Care 2014 conference held in West Harrison, NY.

Opening Remarks from Jeff Gladd MD

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Heal Thy Practice offers equal measures of clinical skill-building, nuts & bolts practice development, and inspiration from some of the pioneers and key opinion leaders in holistic/integrative medicine. The presentations address some of the key challenges in building and sustaining a thriving holistic/integrative medical practice.

Whether you’re contemplating a major practice change or simply looking for practical advice for improving the fiscal health of your practice and the physical health of your patients, you’ll find a wealth of valuable guidance from Heal Thy Practice 2014. Our renowned faculty offers you their real world, field-tested experience and practical steps for creating and maintaining a healthy and health-focused integrative practice.

Key topics in this course include:

  • Diagnosing & Managing Gluten Sensitivity & Other Food Allergies
  • Improving Outcomes in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders
  • Preventing & Minimizing Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions & Adverse Effects of Polypharmacy
  • Increasing Practice Revenue
  • Strengths & Drawbacks of Direct-Pay and Other Practice Models
  • Medicolegal & Regulatory Issues in Integrative/Holistic Medicine
  • The Use of Broadcast Media, Social Media & Online Tools for Patient Education & Practice-Building
  • Practical “Nuts & Bolts” Entrepreneurial Skills for Practice Building
  • Pros & Cons of Various Credentials in Holistic/Functional Medicine
  • Self-Care & Resiliency to Improve Wellbeing
  • Current & Future Opportunities for Holistic Practitioners
  • Genomics & Holistic Cancer Care
  • Antibiotic Overuse & What to Do About It

And much much more.

2014 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

  • Course: 2014 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

    Heal Thy Practice, produced by Holistic Primary Care, is the nation’s leading conference dedicated to practice transformation & the implementation of integrative care. The 2014 program held in a woodland setting in Westchester County, New York, offered equal measures of clinical skill-building, nuts & bolts practice development, and inspiration from some of the pioneers and key opinion leaders in holistic/integrative medicine.

    Whether you’re contemplating a major practice change or simply looking for practical advice for improving the fiscal health of your practice and the physical health of your patients, you’ll find a wealth of valuable guidance from Heal Thy Practice 2014. Our renowned faculty offers you their real world, field-tested experience and practical steps for creating and maintaining a healthy and health-focused integrative practice.

  • Faculty and Disclosures

    GladdJeff Gladd, MD, Conference Chairman
    Founder & Director GladdMD, Ft. Wayne, IN

    Dr. Jeffrey Gladd graduated from Indiana University School of Medicine in 2001, and trained in family medicine at Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, IN. After completing his residency in 2006, Gladd started a full-spectrum family practice in Columbia City. He completed the University of Arizona Integrative Medicine fellowship program at the end of 2009, while serving as medical director of the Parkview Center for Integrative Medicine in Fort Wayne.

    In 2010, he opened GladdMD Integrative Medicine, a direct-pay practice where he blends health-promoting care with high-access technology. In 2011, he created and launched the web's first nutrient depletion calculator, His technology focus currently is on building

    With the success of GladdMD, Dr. Gladd has become a sought after speaker on physician entrepreneurship, social media, and technology in healthcare. He is a regular speaker at Holistic Primary Care's annual Heal Thy Practice conference, and chaired the 2013 and 2014 conferences. He assists the Arizona fellowship by sitting on the business panel annually.

    BlumSusan Blum, MD, MPH
    Founder/Director, Blum Center for Health, Rye Brook, NY

    Dr. Susan Blum, is the Founder & Director of the Blum Center for Health, a clinic dedicated to facilitating a personalized healing experience by creating partnerships with patients while providing cutting-edge Functional Medicine.

    Dr. Blum completed her Internal Medicine training at St-Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, and her residency in Preventive Medicine at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NYC. She is Board Certified in Preventive Medicine. She holds a Masters in Public Health at Columbia University, and her training in Functional Medicine from The Institute for Functional Medicine, in Gig Harbor, Washington.

    In addition to her role as Founder of Blum Center for Health, Dr. Blum is assistant Clinical Professor of Preventive Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and serves as an Integrative Medicine Specialist at Greenwich Hospital. She is also a member of the Senior Teaching Faculty at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, and teaches throughout the world in their training programs.

    Dr. Blum recently published her first book, The Immune System Recovery Plan (Simon & Schuster), detailing her proven four-step program that has helped thousands of patients reverse their symptoms and prevent future illness.

    BoeningerAnita Teresa Boeninger
    Director, Soma Wellness Arts, New York, NY

    Anita Teresa Boeninger is a New York-based integrative health educator with a background in Clinical Social Work, Mind-Body Therapies, Performing Arts, and Somatic Movement Education. She was a Heath Educator in the Department of Integrative Health Programs at NYU Hospital for nearly five years, and is the founder of SOMA Wellness Arts, using a range of mind-body modalities to connect clients with their innate healing intelligence and full potential. During her tenure at NYU Langone Medical Center (NYULMC), Anita innovated an extensive array of staff wellness education, corporate wellness education (to clients of NYULMC), and administered a pre-surgical preparation program to thousands of patients.

    She trained in New York with Dr. Martha Eddy, a pioneer in somatic movement, and continues to collaborate with experts in the field of neurology and mind-body integration. Anita has delivered a plethora of health and wellness presentations to corporations and organizations in New York City over the past 8 years, including Bank of America, West LB, Cotton Inc, Rockefeller University, the You Can Thrive Foundation, NY Insight Meditation Center, the Creative Center, Bellevue Hospital, the Hospital for Joint Diseases, Gensler Inc, and many others.

    ChristiansenThomas Blomseth Christiansen, M.Sc.
    Chief Technology Officer, Founder, Mymee

    Thomas has a Masters in Internet Technology from the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and more than 15 years experience of working with software. He has extensive experience as a management consultant, helping IT and software companies improve their software development processes using Agile and Lean methods. After thirty years of conventional means when dealing with his allergies, Thomas took matters into his own hands. He applied his business and technology methodology and applied it to "debugging" his own health condition.

    CrispellMelissa Crispell
    Founder, Long Term Wellness, Clinical Training Specialist, Perque Integrative Health

    Melissa Crispell is a Certified Lifestyle Educator, Certified Wellness Coach, Clinical Nutritionist, ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, and a former High School Basketball and Lacrosse Coach. She is also a triathlete, marathoner, and budding yoga & surfing enthusiast.

    Melissa’s passion for teaching others about nutrition, excitement of sharing in others' wellness success, and helping women & teens reach their athletic potential has come together as Long Term Wellness, her lifestyle and wellness coaching practice. As a Clinical Training Specialist for PERQUE and ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies she has the privilege of working with integrative medicine thought leaders as well as students and healthcare professionasl just starting their integrative practice. Melissa consults with and coaches healthcare practitioners in building a thriving functional nutrition business.

    DeSilva2Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD
    Raritan Bay Medical Center, Perth Amboy, NJ

    Dr. Derrick DeSilva, Jr, a practicing internist with 25 years of clinical experience in Edison, NJ. He is a Senior Attending Staff Physician, and Co-Chairman of the Department of Integrative Medicine at Raritan Bay Medical Center (RBMC), Perth Amboy, NJ; He is also a member of the teaching faculty at JFK Medical Center, Edison, NJ. He has won the Best Doctor Award by Castle Connolly for the past 13 consecutive years.

    Dr. DeSilva has a longstanding commitment to nutrition-based practice and holistic medicine. He is currently chairman of the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), and a past-president of the American Nutraceutical Association.

    Dr. DeSilva has extensive experience educating conventionally-trained physicians about the scientific and practical aspects of nutrition-based, prevention-focused healthcare.

    A popular media voice for integrative medicine in the tri-state area, Dr. DeSilva is host of "Ask the Doctor" on WCTC Radio. He is also a medical correspondent for Cablevision (News 12 NJ) and Host of "12 to Your Health," and has hosted medical segments on CNN and appearing as a guest on numerous national television programs, including ABC Night Line.

    DyhrbergMette Dyhrberg, M.Sc.
    Chief Executive Officer, Founder, Mymee

    Mette has a Masters in Economics from Aarhus University School of Business & Social Sciences, Denmark, and also graduated from Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In her twenties, she was affected by severe chronic illnesses that took her from being highly active and earning top grades to being incapacitated and unable to read a book; from working as a model to being overweight and medicated like an elderly person. With a constantly changing and ever expanding array of different diagnoses she felt like she had been shelved. To try to find patterns and gain insights to help herself, she started tracking her own condition. Her early work in self-tracking led to the creation of Mymee, a technology platform that empowers patients and practitioners to identify non-obvious but very important symptom triggers. Having felt the powerlessness of being an “unsolvable case,” Mette put her business skills to work to help empower others in a similar situations.

    Evans JoelJoel Evans, MD
    Founder, Center for Women’s Health, Stamford, CT

    Joel M. Evans, MD, is a board certified OB/GYN, and the Founder and Director of the Center for Women’s Health, where he practices Integrative Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is also the Chief Medical Officer of, a start-up technology company funded by Eric Schmidt and Jim Held, to provide the latest health information to health care consumers, physicians’ offices and the enterprise market. Dr. Evans’ book on the holistic approach to pregnancy, The Whole Pregnancy Handbook (Gotham, 2005), has received widespread critical acclaim and media attention.

    Dr. Evans also serves as Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and is member of the core faculty of both the Center for Mind/Body Medicine and the Institute for Functional Medicine.

    He is a Founding Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, and

    recognized as the first physician in Connecticut to be Board Certified in both Holistic Medicine and ObGyn. Dr. Evans utilizes a wide variety of complementary and alternative therapies in his own practice, which blends the best of modern medicine with the wisdom of traditional healing.

    Evans PaulPaul Evans, EdD
    International Research Institute for Wellness & Prevention, Atlanta, GA

    Dr. Paul Evans trained as a psychologist, researcher and software designer, and began his career as a researcher and writer at the National Science Foundation (NSF) where he wrote Science and Technology reports for Congress and the Executive Office of the President. Following NSF, at IBM he was on the team that launched the first IBM PC and was responsible for IBM's Digital Publishing Studio. For IBM's global education initiatives he developed technology based literacy programs to teach children and adults to read and write.

    After IBM, at EDS (now, Hewlett Packard) and AT Kearney he was consulting Partner on Internet and Electronic Commerce; and later, Executive Vice President Worldwide at the NYC advertising powerhouse Young and Rubicam, where he was in charge of Y&R's digital strategy and Marketing Lab. He is CEO of the International Research Institute for Wellness and Prevention, where he works with Dr. Kopera on health-promoting projects that combine science, emerging technology and accelerated human potential.

    HickeyJoseph Hickey, MD
    Founder/Director, Hickey Wellness Center, Hilton Head, SC

    A resident of Hilton Head Island, SC, Dr. Hickey is founder of the Hickey Wellness Center. He is a respected physician Board Certified in Internal Medicine. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame and New York Medical College, Dr. Hickey completed his residency at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine and served as a Clinical Instructor of Internal Medicine at New York Medical College.

    Dr. Hickey brings his passion for research and his tenacity for identifying root causes to the care of his patients with complex medical conditions. He has specific expertise in the areas of fibromyalgia, arterial disease, heavy metal toxicity and autoimmune diseases, and has published research regarding Lipoprotein Subclasses and Carbohydrate Restricted Diets in the context of cardiovascular disease. In addition to heading his own practice, Dr. Hickey also currently serves as Medical Director for Hyperbaric Therapy of the Lowcountry.

    HoffmanRon Hoffman, MD
    Founder, The Hoffman Center, New York, NY

    Dr. Ronald Hoffman is founder and Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, one of the New York area's first holistic clinics, which he started in 1985.

    He earned his MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and trained in Internal Medicine at the Manhattan VA Hospital. He subsequently attended the Tristate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and obtained New York State certification to perform acupuncture. He is a Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and is a Certified Nutrition Specialist of the American College of Nutrition (ACN).

    Dr. Hoffman is also the author of several popular books, including the Diet Type Weight-Loss Program (1989); Seven Weeks to a Settled Stomach (1991); Intelligent Medicine (1997); and most recently, Natural Cures That Really Work (2007).

    One of the nation's earliest adopters of broadcast and online media to project

    expertise in holistic medicine, Dr. Hoffman is host of the popular nationally-syndicated radio programs, Health Talk, and Intelligent Medicine, the longest-running physician-hosted medical talk show on the air, heard Saturdays on the WOR Radio in New York and in syndication across the country. This has made him one of the Northeast's most widely recognized voices for holistic healthcare.

    He is active in several medical professional organizations, and is a past President of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM).

    KazmiShayma Kazmi, MD
    Hematologist-Oncologist & Medical Oncologist, Eastern Regional Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA

    Dr. Kazmi earned her MD from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ. During her time as a medical student, she served as chair of the American Medical Student Association, and worked as a staff pharmacist at Pathmark Stores Inc. She completed a residency in internal medicine at the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and then joined the University Center at Princeton and St. Peters University Hospital as a house physician.

    During that time she volunteered as a faculty member at her alma mater and served as a fellow within the Department of Hematology and Oncology. After a year in the role of Chief Fellow, Dr. Kazmi joined Hope Community Cancer Center as a hematologist and oncologist. Dr. Kazmi is board certified in hematology, medical oncology and internal medicine. She is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Hematology and the Medical Society of New Jersey.

    Throughout her career, Dr. Kazmi has written abstracts and conducted numerous cancer research studies, while at the same time deepening her understanding of integative medicine, a path that led her to Cancer Treatment Centers of America at the Eastern Regional Medical Center. As a medical oncologist and hematologist at CTCA, Dr. Kazmi individualizes each patient’s treatment plan to fit their specific needs.

    KoperaAimon Kopera, MD
    International Research Institute for Wellness & Prevention, Atlanta, GA

    Dr. Aimon Kopera, Chief Health Scientist of the International Research Institute for Wellness and Prevention, serves as principal investigator of health research and directs protocol development and food assays. For over 20 years, Aimon has been involved in global health initiatives. Dr. Kopera earned her MD from the American Global University School of Medicine, Belize. Early in her career she served in the International Medical Relief Operation under the United Nations. Her health science focus is based on knowledge and experience of Western Medicine and Eastern approaches to wellness and the importance of "Qi" or "life force" the vital energy that life carries.

    She uses emerging technologies to monitor and assess life force energies and intervention protocols. A master level Tai Chi Qigong practitioner, her expertise applies internal arts of meditation, visualization and contemplative practices, as well as, life force food science for weight reduction, wellness and health restoration. An experienced businesswoman and entrepreneur, Dr. Kopera envisions new value added models for preventive health care.

    MalepatiSarath Malepati, MD
    Medical Director, PPC Group, Los Angeles, CA

    A general surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, Sarath Malepati, MD, is the Medical Director of the PPC Group, a California-based health research and product design team focused on improving patient care and public health through expanding transparency and knowledge transfer between clinicians and patients and developing simple solutions for common healthcare problems.

    Growing up in a large multi-generational physician family, Dr. Malepati was raised in an environment that had a strong emphasis on humanitarian pursuits. He earned his MD in 2006 from Wake Forest University Medical School. He went onto study, perform research, and teach at over 15 universities nationally and internationally. At the age of 25, Dr. Malepati was the youngest faculty member at Georgetown University School of Medicine. He is a former fellow of the National Institute for Health Care Management.

    Prior to joining the PPC Group, Dr. Malepati previously worked under grants from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Malepati is honored to join the 2014 Heal Thy Practice speaker panel to discuss his concerns over inappropriate antibiotic prescribing patterns among clinicians, the role of patient pressure in this problem, and potential solutions developed by his group.

    MaskellJames Maskell
    CEO Revive Primary Care, Brooklyn, NY

    James Maskell is CEO of Revive Primary Care, a new project dedicated to restoring the health of the nation by combining dedicated holistic practitioners with a scalable, digital, education platform. Revive's intention is to inspire a revolution of empowered health advocates.

    Originally from the UK, Mr. Maskell studied Economics at the University of Nottingham, with a focus on the food and healthcare industries, before following a 'rebellious' career path in investment banking which proved short-lived. However, his time in banking showed him an important fact: world focus on short-term gain across all industries, but particularly healthcare and food, were costing society in the long run.

    In 2005, James moved to the US, with the objective of working to help shift the health paradigm of the country to incorporate true primary care: nutrition, exercise, prevention and holistic therapies. For 18 months, he was instrumental in the running The Spa on Green Street, a holistic day spa in Gainesville, GA that seeks to be a model for the integration of spa and holistic medicine.

    Since moving to New York City in 2007, he founded the Functional Forum, a monthly meet-up for NYC-based integrative physicians and holistic practitioners, as well as the Evolution of Medicine Summit, an online educational program featuring many of the world’s experts on functional and holistic medicine.

    menolascinoMark Menolascino, MD
    Director, Meno Clinic: Center for Advanced Medicine, Jackson Hole, WY

    Dr. Menolascino has over 25 years of health care experience, beginning with completion of Medical School at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, followed by training in Internal Medicine at Banner Health, Barrows and Mayo Clinic Arizona. He is one of very few physicians Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, and Advanced Hormone Management and Anti-Aging Medicine.

    He additionally has a Master's Degree in Pharmacology and Immunology, and was a doctoral candidate in the Medical Scientist Program assisting with Clinical Trials of new medications as well as part of the Heart Disease Reversal Team with Dr. Dean Ornish. His allopathic medical knowledge is complemented by advanced training and clinical experience in Nutrition, Naturopathic, Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture, Ayurvedic Medicine and Homeopathy.

    Dr. Mark Menolascino has pursued extensive continuing education with over 2,000 Continuing education hours in Integrative Medicine. His Center for Advanced Medicine is a direct-pay functional medicine practice that provides patients with comprehensive holistic medicine in an atmosphere of respect and caring in which improved health is not just possible, it is expected.

    O BryanTom O'Bryan, DC
    Founder, Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Certification Program & The Gluten Summit

    Dr. Thomas O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN is an Internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease.

    A graduate of the University of Michigan and the National College of Chiropractic, Dr. O'Bryan is a Diplomate of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, a Diplomate of the American board of Clinical Nutrition, and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists.

    While in clinical practice, Dr. O’Bryan specialized in treating chronic disease and metabolic disorders from a Functional Medicine Perspective. He holds a teaching Faculty position with the Institute for Functional Medicine, and the National University of Health Sciences. He serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists and the Medical Advisory Board of the National Association of Nutritional Professionals.

    Dr. O'Bryan's passion is in teaching the many manifestations of Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He recently founded the Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Certification Program, to offer in-depth training for clinicians wishing to become Certified Gluten Practitioner (CGP) program to healthcare practitioners internationally. Dr. O'Bryan also spearheaded the highly successful Gluten Summit, an online conference that convened dozens of the world's top gluten sensitivity experts. The program reached tens of thousands of interested individuals worldwide.

    RosenthalLillie Rosenthal, DO
    New York, NY

    Lillie Rosenthal, DO, is an integrative physician with board certification in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She is an expert in lifestyle management with a focus on injury prevention, pain management and biomechanics. As a dancer and a marathon runner, Dr. Rosenthal has both personal and professional experience.

    Dr. Rosenthal earned her DO at the University of Osteopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, and completed a residency at the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington, DC.

    Her approach to wellness and health emphasizes a balance of the mind, body and spirit. She successfully treats conditions such as low back pain, tendonitis and repetitive stress disorders. In her private practice, she provides state of the art care to world renowned musicians, dancers, choreographers and writers. She is a consulting physician for the New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, Metropolitan Opera as well as several Broadway productions. Dr. Rosenthal has lectured nationally and internationally, and has been featured in several publications including the New York Times and Consumer Reports. Her national television appearances include the "The Dr. Oz Show" and various interview on her expertise on several health topics.

    SimonJacques Simon, Esq
    New York, NY

    Jacques Simon is a NYC-based attorney with a special focus on medicolegal issues in the field of holistic, integrative and functional medicine.

    Between 1989 and 1992 Mr. Simon worked as an attorney in New York City medium and small size boutique firms doing complex commercial litigation.

    By 1994 Mr. Simon went into private practice, ultimately focusing on representation of health care practitioners and health care entities regarding various issues. Those issues included defending practitioners in civil law suits brought by various insurance companies on alleged fraud grounds and addressing the disciplinary ramifications associated with the litigation. The scope of the practice also shifted its focus to the representation of alternative, holistic and complementary medicine and dentistry practitioners and entities against state officials with respect to various disciplinary and regulatory issues.

    Representation now includes preventive measures such as audits and compliance, practice structure and billing compliance as well as preliminary dispute handling vis a vis patients and state officials. Mr. Simon's forte and "trademark" litigation focuses on civil prosecutions of state officials and agencies aimed at stopping ad hoc administrative disciplinary proceedings against health care practitioners. Simon’s unique legal strategies are designed to save the practitioner's license, livelihood, and practice while preserving the practitioner's reputation and integrity in the medical community.

    TagerMark Tager, MD
    President, ChangeWell

    For two decades, Dr. Mark Tager has been a leader in delivering unique programs and presentations that reflect the powerful connection between health and productivity. As a physician, consultant, and change agent, he has created health promotion and wellness programs for businesses ranging from Fortune 100 companies to small non-profits.

    As a medical student at Duke University Medical Center, he created one of the first training programs for medical students in nutrition. He also spent time training promotores de salud (barefoot doctors) in the mountains of Guatemala. On completing a Family Practiuce residency at the University of Oregon Health Science Center, Portland, Dr. Tager founded the Institute of Preventive Medicine, served as corporate Medical Director for Electroscientific Industries (NASDAQ: ESIO), and as the Health Promotion Consultant for Kaiser Permanente Oregon.

    As a consultant, Dr. Tager has combined his business knowledge with organizational development and communication skills to help medical device, stem cell, cosmeceutical, publishing, clinical laboratory and start-up companies.

    Dr. Tager is the author of several books, the most recent of which is Total Engagement: The Healthcare Practitioner’s Guide to Heal Yourself, Your Patients & Your Practice (2014), co-authored with Dr. Mimi Guarneri

    TetlowGeorgia Tetlow, MD
    Director, Philadelphia Integrative Medicine

    Dr. Tetlow is a Clinician Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at Thomas Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, PA. She is board certified in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and is a holistic, integrative medicine physician.

    After obtaining her MD at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, she completed a residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Thomas Jefferson University, and also sought training and certification as a Yoga Therapist.

    The recipient of a Bravewell Fellowship, Dr. Tetlow completed the University of Arizona's Program in Integrative Medicine, where she completed more than 1,000 hours of study, working directly under Fellowship Program Directors Andrew Weil, MD, Victoria Maizes, MD and Tieraona Low Dog, MD, as well as other respected leaders and researchers in the field of integrative medicine.

    She also completed the Institute for Functional Medicine's Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) courses.

    Commercial Support:

    Shayma Kazmi, MD
    Sponsored by Cancer Treatment Centers of America

    Sareth Malepati, MD
    Sponsored by PPC Group

    Mette Dyhrberg & Thomas Blomseth Christiansen
    Sponsored by MyMee

    Lillie Rosenthal, DO
    Sponsored by Boiron

  • Learning Objectives

    By viewing these lectures, participants will learn to:

    • Enhance clinical skills through evidence-based approaches to diagnosing and managing food sensitivities
    • Prevent & minimize drug-induced nutrient depletions & adverse effects associated with polypharmacy
    • Improve the care of “difficult” patients with complex autoimmune conditions
    • Increase practice revenue
    • Understand strengths and drawbacks of various practice models for prevention-oriented medicine.
    • Make better use of broadcast media, social media & online tools for patient education & practice-building.
    • Apply practical “nuts & bolts” entrepreneurial & management skills.
    • Acquire a firm grasp of the medicolegal aspects of holistic/integrative practice.
    • Understand the value of the various credentials & certifications available in integrative medicine.
    • Self-care & resiliency strategies to improve wellbeing
    • Recognize current and future opportunities for holistic & functional medicine
    • Renew enthusiasm for clinical practice.

    Target Audience

    The Heal Thy Practice 2014 lectures are intended for primary care medical doctors, (MDs), doctors ofosteopathy (DOs), broad-scope chiropractors (DCs), naturopathic physicians (NDs/NMDs), nurses, nutrition counselors, medical students, office administrators, and other health care professionals interested in improving the business aspects of their practice through prevention-focused, patient-centered medicine.

    Computer System Requirements:

    To view the HD video stream (no downloads) you will need high-speed internet access (DSL or cable broadband), and a standard browser that supports Flash and HTML5. This website is optimized to be viewed with Chrome or Firefox. If you experience any problems while using another web browser please, please consider using one of the recommended browsers before contacting us for support. If these steps do not resolve your issues (or you want to send us feedback), please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or fill out our feedback form by clicking on Tell us what you think in the top menu. Users on mobile devices should be aware that streaming over a cellular data network (instead of wi-fi) will use significant bandwith (hundreds of Megabytes per hour of video). Low bandwidth users may wish stream or download the audio only versions of our lectures.


    Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD is the Medical Director for Common Sense Supplements

    Joel Evans, MD is the Chief Medical Officer of

    Jeff Gladd, MD is the founder of

    Ron Hoffman, MD is a paid consultant for Emerson Ecologics

    Shayma Kazmi, MD is on the speaker's bureau for Cancer Treatment Centers of America

    Sarath Malepati, MD is the founder of PPC Group

    James Maskell is the founder of Revive Primary Care and the Functional Forum

    Mark Menolascino, MD is on the Speaker’s Bureau for NeuroScience, Inc

    Tom O’Bryan, DC is the founder of The Gluten Summit

  • Lecture 1: The Immune System Recovery Plan

    Autoimmune conditions affect more than 23 million Americans, causing immeasurable suffering and cost. The conventional medical view is that most of these disorders are “incurable,” yet many of them are partially or totally reversible with comprehensive dietary and lifestyle changes aimed at healing the gut, reducing chronic inflammation, improving liver function, and eliminating food and environmental triggers. Dr. Blum outlines the multi-stage lifestyle program she has used successfully with hundreds of her patients.

  • Lecture 2: Identifying Food Sensitivities: From Tunnelvision to Macrovision

    Over the past decade there has been a marked growth in awareness of gluten and related grain-based allergens as a symptom not just in people with celiac disease. Yet all the attention focused on gluten threatens to impose a sort of “tunnelvision” on clinical thinking. Dr. O’Bryan, an internationally recognized expert on food sensitivities, expands the view offering new insights on FODMAPs, agglutinins, lectins and other food-based triggers, and how to detect them.

  • Lecture 3: Blum Center for Health: An Integrative Medicine Practice Model

    In her journey from an insurance-based rehab clinic where she worked as a salaried employee to her current interdisciplinary, team-based, direct-pay, nutrition-focused clinic model, Dr. Blum has experienced a wide range of practice structures, discovering the pros and cons of each. In this lecture, she shares the principles and key insights that have combined to make the Blum Center for Health one of the nation’s most successful independent integrative practices.

  • Lecture 4: Projecting Your Expertise

    Today’s online world can enable practitioners to project their knowledge, their expertise, and their skills far beyond the confines of the office or clinic. Webinars, online summits, and customized information portals are not just good practice marketing, they are increasingly a part of healthcare itself. In this lecture, Dr. O’Bryan explains how he was able to translate his knowledge of gluten sensitivity and other food reactions into one of the world’s most successful and far-reaching online education programs.

  • Lecture 5: Genomic Medicine: The Future of Cancer Care

    The science of genomics is transforming all areas of medicine, and nowhere more so than in cancer care where gene-based tests are being used for everything from matching specific drugs to tumor types thus improving outcomes and reducing side-effects to detecting modifiable metabolic predispositions to cancer long before disease emerges. Dr. Kazmi, a medical oncologist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, describes how genomics fits into CTCA’s integrative care model, and how it enables her to individualize and personalize her treatment protocols.

  • Lecture 6: Total Engagement: How Practitioners Can Go From Grumpy to Great

    In today’s healthcare systems many clinicians feel highly disconnected: from their patients, from their families, from their vaues and from the original calling that led them to become healers. In this lecture, Dr. Tager explores important questions that all clinicians need to ask: Should I stay or should I go? Is it reasonable to remain within my current practice structure or do I need to make significant modifications? Do I need a new path entirely? Will a series of incremental improvements get me to where I want to go or is my current situation demanding a major change? He lays out a coherent process for thinking through these questions & arriving at a clear vision for re-engaging with one’s personal & professional life.

  • Lecture 7: Get the Word Out & Get the Patients In: Online & Offline Strategies for Local Patient Acquisition

    How do you let your community know about your practice and its unique offerings? What’s the best way to attract and engage new patients? How can you create effective and up-to-date communications strategies without spending a fortune? With his balanced blend of wit and practical know-how, marketing maven James Maskell answers these and many other key marketing questions in this engaging lecture.

  • Lecture 8: Nutrient Depletion: The Hidden Epidemic

    With nearly 40% of all Americans in the 60+ age bracket taking 5 or more medications daily, the potential for drug-induced nutrient depletions is extremely high. Many commonly used prescription drugs—acid blockers, steroids, sulfonylureas, antihypertensives, statins, to name just a few—can cause severe and clinically significant nutrient depletions. Dr. Gladd, who developed an easy-to-use depletions calculator, reviews the most common drug induced depletions and how to rectify them.

  • Lecture 9: The Implications and Impact of Polypharmacy on Aging

    Multiple medications mean exponential chances of adverse interactions. Elderly people are especially vulnerable, but with the increasing pediatric use of prescription drugs, depletions may begin during childhood. Dr. DeSilva details the ways in which polypharmacy accelerates the aging process via multiple physiological mechanisms, and offers practical strategies for identifying and eliminating drugs that are no longer necessary and may be causing harm.

  • Lecture 10: Emerging Perspectives in State & Federal Regulatory Actions Related to the Practice of CAM

    Jacques Simon is one of a handful of attorneys in the US who focus specifically on medicolegal issues in holistic & integrative medicine. Throughout his career he has represented a wide range of practitioners, and has also taken legal action against biased and punitive state medical boards that take unwarranted action against holistic practitioners. In this lively lecture, Simon provides ample tips for medicolegal protection and clarifies where the regulatory lines are drawn on a host of holistic, functional and integrative therapies.

  • Lecture 11: The Antibiotics Problem: Our Problem, Our Responsibility

    According to a recent survey, ~95% of US clinicians say they sometimes prescribe antibiotics when they are not necessary, often in response to pressure from patients or out of fear of “missing something.” Yet inappropriate antibiotic use is a major driver of drug-resistant infections. Dr. Sarath Malepati, a general surgeon in Los Angeles, believes its time for doctors and nurses to address this deepening problem. In this lecture, he shares his strategy for handling patient expectations around antibiotics, and details a unique and effective botanical-nutraceutical combination he has developed for patients who demand Z-Paks.

  • Lecture 12: Media as Medicine: Lessons Learned at the Crossroad of Clinical Practice & Broadcast Media

    The role of media in medicine has never been greater. From mobile apps and custom information portals to online summits and “old-school” print and broadcast, the range of media now available to clinicians has also grown markedly. Dr. Ron Hoffman, a holistic medical pioneer and early adopter of media for practice outreach and public education, draws on 30 years of interaction with patients and the public via print, broadcast and online media to help you navigate today’s medical media landscape.

  • Lecture 13: If I Dared to Dream….The Future of Holistic & Integrative Medicine

    In the past decade, public interest in holistic medicine has soared, and mainstream acceptance of holistic approaches has also grown. This opens up many new opportunities, yet it brings with it the risk that holistic and functional medicine will be “conventionalized” and forced to fit worldviews and practice models that are antithetical to health and healing. In this provocative lecture, Dr. Evans envisions a truly integrated health system that cultivates truly integrated practitioners and outlines practical steps for getting there.

  • Lecture 14: Credentialling & Certification Roundtable: Making Sense of New & Established Credentials in Integrative Healthcare

    There are literally dozens of credentials and certifications now available for holistically minded clinicians. Which ones are based on good science? Which ones have traction in the healthcare marketplace? Which are worth the investment of time, money and energy? In this lively session, panelists put many of the popular credentials under the microscope, and attendees add their perspective on the values and drawbacks the various certifications.

  • Lecture 15: Moving Forward: Mind-Body Practices for Empowerment & Change

    Somatic movement therapist Anita Teresa Boeninger draws on the principles and practices of Aharaj Yoga—a unique fusion of yoga postures and elements from gentle martial arts like Tai Chi—to create a series of simple but powerful exercise sequences to help you move toward your highest personal  and professional goals.

  • Lecture 16: Breakout Session A: Identify Hidden Immune Burdens with Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) Test of Immune Resilience

    Though it is most often thought of as the body's defense department, the immune system also serves many important repair functions. When healthy, the immune system is tolerant and foreign antigens are soaked up & neutralized. Unfortunately, tolerance and homeostatic rebalancing are reduced during illness, and lost during prolonged illnesses. The Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) is a new and highly useful diagnostic tool that provides vital insights into immune system tolerance, ultimately improving our capacity to help patients with a wide variety of chronic disorders (Sponsored by Perque Integrative Health)

  • Lecture 17: Breakout Session B: Know Thy Patients: Using Technology to Facilitate Health Improvement

    Many 21st century health concerns escape the identification of single causes. The Mymee technology platform enables personalized gathering and analysis of observational data from patients’ daily lives and fosters behavioral change through immediate feedback. The system allows you to uncover hidden causes of patients’ health issues and to facilitate positive behavioral change. In this lecture, Mymee’s founders introduce the Mymee platform, share case studies, and show you how Mymee can fit into your practice. (Sponsored by MyMee)

  • Lecture 18: Breakout Session C: Rediscovering the Joy in Medicine—How to Thrive in a Broken System

    Few clinicians these days say they have “the greatest job in the world.” Yet that’s exactly how Dr. Lillie Rosenthal, an osteopathic physician in NYC, describes her practice. She contends that it is still possible for medicine to be a joyful and deeply rewarding profession. It all depends on choices. Learn how to reclaim your power of choice and re-align your clinical practice with your core values. It’s the key to reconnecting with the joy of practice (Sponsored by Boiron)

  • Lecture 19: Alumni Trackout A: A Practice Transformation Toolkit for The Era of Personalized Medicine

    Dr. Menolascino, who runs a thriving functional medicine center offers attendees his “Practice Transformation Toolkit,” a set of templates ant tips for everything from practice marketing to evaluating potential ancillary services that will help clinicians implement personalized medicine and create new revenue streams. Drawn from his own experience in independent practice, the toolkit offers field-tested solutions to help you improve clinical outcomes and restore health while optimizing your time with patients.

  • Lecture 20: Alumni Trackout B: Self-Care & Resilience During the Transition

    Any major life change—even a positive one—brings with it a certain amount of internal and external stress. The process of transforming a medical practice is no exception! Dr. Tetlow, who runs a successful integrative clinic in Philadelphia, will share the self-care and stress-reduction strategies she has found most helpful for dealing with the personal, familial and financial strains that inevitably arise during the process of re-envisioning and re-creating your practice.

  • Lecture 21: Alumni Trackout C: Tech Tips & Tools for Building Your Web Presence

    Healthcare IT is exploding on all fronts. The number of mobile apps now available for everything from self-monitoring of vital signs to managing practice schedules is staggering…and the party’s just getting started! Heal Thy Practice program chairman Jeff Gladd, and veteran HTP speaker James Maskell
    team up to share a cornucopia of apps and online tools they’ve found most helpful for supporting lifestyle-based interventions, improving patient satisfaction, and taking the headaches out of practice management.

  • Lecture 22: Alumni Trackout D: Technology & the Consumer Revolution—A Platform for Holistic Lifestyle

    Have you thought about tapping into the healthy consumer market? Have you thought aboutleveraging technology to enhance your patient outcomes? HTP Alum Aimon Kopera and her colleague, Paul Evans, share how high tech, transparent marketplaces and consumer power can completely
    transform your practice. Drs. Kopera and Evans will explore digital health technology that can help you take advantage of new and existing market opportunities.

  • Lecture 23: Taking Action & Moving Forward: Practical Steps for Practice Transformation

    For clinicians who are tired of working for others and practicing in settings that simply do not allow them to deliver high quality healthcare, Dr. Derrick DeSilva offers guidance on creating an action plan for independence. In this 3 hour intensive, Dr. DeSilva covers everything from defining and communicating one’s core strengths to creating new and sustainable practice revenue streams.