Nutrition & Lifestyle >>
  Targeted Nutritional Interventions for Improved Cognitive, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal & Musculoskeletal Health

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 1: Cognizin: A Novel Ingredient to Support Healthy Cognitive Function

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 2: Sustamine: A New Approach for Rehydration & Improved Electrolyte Balance

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 3: Pantesin: A Novel Form of Pantethine (Vitamin B5) to Support Heart Health

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Lecture 4: Setria: A Unique Form of Reduced Glutathione for Reducing Oxidative Stress

Lecturer: Danielle Citrolo, PharmD, Karen E. Todd, RD

Diagnostics >>
  Predictive Antibodies: Clinical Applications for Early Detection of Autoimmunity

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 6

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS Thomas Alexander, MD Chad Larson, DC, NMD (candidate)

Lecture 1: Predictive Antibodies

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS

Lecture 2: Gastrointestinal and Liver

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Thomas Alexander, MD

Lecture 3: Thyroid, Adrenal, Reproductive Organs

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Chad Larson, DC, NMD (candidate)

Lecture 4: Cardiovascular and Diabetes

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Thomas Alexander, MD

Lecture 5: Bone and Joint

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Chad Larson, DC, NMD (candidate)

Lecture 6: Neurological

Expires: 8/31/15Credits: 1

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD

Healing Traditions >>
  Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine: Clinical Principles in Maharishi Ayurveda


Topic 1: Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Maharishi Ayurveda


Lecture: Overview and History: Ayurveda and Maharishi Ayurveda
Lecture: Ayurvedic Physiology: The Role of Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Topic 2: Maharishi Ayurveda Modalities

Lecturer: Prerequisite: Topic 1

Lecture: Diagnostic Approach to the Patient
Lecture: Spices and Aromas
Lecture: Ayurvedic Herbology
Lecture: Daily Routine and Behavioral Guidelines
Lecture: Scientific Research on Maharishi Ayurveda
Topic 3: Fundamentals of Diet and Digestion

Lecturer: Prerequisite: Topics 1 & 2

Lecture: Fundamentals of Digestion and Diet - 1
Lecture: Fundamentals of Digestion and Diet – 2
Lecture: General Clinical Digestive Protocols
Lecture: Vata, Pitta and Kapha Digestive Protocols
Topic 4: Ayurvedic Approach to Common Chronic Disorders

Lecturer: Prerequisite: Topics 1, 2 & 3

Lecture: Obesity
Lecture: Metabolic Disorder Protocols
Lecture: Women’s Reproductive Health
Lecture: Menopause
Lecture: Musculoskeletal Disorders & Protocols
Holistic Perspectives >>
  Holistic & Integrative Medicine in Clinical Practice: An ABIHM Mini-Course

Lecturer: Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC, ABIHM Patrick Hanaway, MD, ABIHM David Rakel, MD, ABIHM Scott Shannon, MD, ABIHM Wendy Warner, MD, FACOG, ABIHM

Lecture 1: The Science of Connection

Lecturer: Erminia “Mimi” Guarneri, MD

Lecture 2: Introduction to Functional Medicine

Lecturer: Patrick Hanaway, MD

Lecture 3: Placebos, Nocebos & the Healing Power of Intention

Lecturer: David Rakel, MD

Lecture 4: Holistic Approaches to Adult Psychiatry

Lecturer: Scott Shannon, MD

Lecture 5: Menopause: A Powerful Transition

Lecturer: Wendy Warner, MD, FACOG, ABIHM

Practice Development >>
  2015 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Erik Lundquist, MD Pedram Shojai, OMD Niki Fox Decker Weiss, NMD Mark Menolascino, MD Jill Carnahan, MD Jim LaValle, RPh Mette Dyhrberg Bridget Briggs, MD Miriam Zacharias, MS, LPSN Jacques Simon, Esq Tom O'Bryan, DC Sylva Dvorak, PhD Scott Minton, PhD

Lecture 1: Journey of an Integrative Physician--Key Lessons Learned

Lecturer: Erik Lundquist, MD

Lecture 2: Opportunities in Corporate Wellness

Lecturer: Pedram Shojai, OMD

Lecture 3: Insurance-Based Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Erik Lundquist, MD, Niki Fox

Lecture 4: Practice Development Roundtable Q&A

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD, Erik Lundquist, MD, Niki Fox, Pedram Shojai, OMD

Lecture 5: New Perspectives on Inflammation

Lecturer: Decker Weiss, NMD

Lecture 6: Fire on the Brain: Impact of Inflammation on Cognitive Function

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD

Lecture 7: Making Clinical Sense of the Microbiome

Lecturer: Jill Carnahan, MD

Lecture 8: Cracking the Metabolic Code

Lecturer: Jim LaValle, RPh

Lecture 9: How to Build a Cash-Pay Practice

Lecturer: Jill Carnahan, MD

Lecture 10: Choosing Ancillary Services for Improved Outcomes & New Revenue

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD

Lecture 11: HolisTech: IT Tips for Renewing the Patient-Practitioner Relationship

Lecturer: Mette Dyhrberg

Lecture 12: Implementing Genomics into Your Practice

Lecturer: Bridget Briggs, MD

Lecture 13: The PEACE Process: Practice-Building Tips from Prosperous Practitioners

Lecturer: Miriam Zacharias, MS, LPSN

Lecture 14: Medicolegal Update for Integrative Practitioners

Lecturer: Jacques Simon, Esq

Lecture 15: The Neurological Underbelly of the Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Lecturer: Tom O’Bryan, DC

Lecture 16: Ritual & Neural Pathways for New Practice Paradigms

Lecturer: Sylva Dvorak, PhD

Lecture 17: Building Metabolic Bedrock: Nutritional Principles for Effective Management of Cardiovascular & Nervous System Dysfunctions

Lecturer: Scott Minton, PhD

Lecture 18: Assessing Chronic Fatigue in Clinical Practice

Lecturer: Bridget Briggs, MD

  2014 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD, CHAIRMAN Susan Blum, MD Tom O'Bryan, DC Shayma Kazmi, MD, RPh Mark Tager, MD James Maskell Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD Jacques Simon, Esq Sarath Malepati, MD Ron Hoffman, MD Joel Evans, MD Anita Teresa Boeninger, RYT Melissa Crispell Joseph Hickey, MD Mette Dyhrberg Thomas Blomseth Christiansen Lillie Rosenthal, DO Mark Menolascino, MD Georgia Tetlow, MD Aimon Kopera, MD & Peter Evans, PhD

Lecture 1: The Immune System Recovery Plan

Lecturer: Susan Blum, MD

Lecture 2: Identifying Food Sensitivities: From Tunnelvision to Macrovision

Lecturer: Tom O'Bryan, DC

Lecture 3: Blum Center for Health: An Integrative Medicine Practice Model

Lecturer: Susan Blum, MD

Lecture 4: Projecting Your Expertise

Lecturer: Tom O'Bryan, DC

Lecture 5: Genomic Medicine: The Future of Cancer Care

Lecturer: Shayma Kazmi, MD, RPh

Lecture 6: Total Engagement: How Practitioners Can Go From Grumpy to Great

Lecturer: Mark Tager, MD

Lecture 7: Get the Word Out & Get the Patients In: Online & Offline Strategies for Local Patient Acquisition

Lecturer: James Maskell

Lecture 8: Nutrient Depletion: The Hidden Epidemic

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD

Lecture 9: The Implications and Impact of Polypharmacy on Aging

Lecturer: Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD

Lecture 10: Emerging Perspectives in State & Federal Regulatory Actions Related to the Practice of CAM

Lecturer: Jacques Simon, Esq

Lecture 11: The Antibiotics Problem: Our Problem, Our Responsibility

Lecturer: Sarath Malepati, MD

Lecture 12: Media as Medicine: Lessons Learned at the Crossroad of Clinical Practice & Broadcast Media

Lecturer: Ron Hoffman, MD

Lecture 13: If I Dared to Dream….The Future of Holistic & Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Joel Evans, MD

Lecture 14: Credentialling & Certification Roundtable: Making Sense of New & Established Credentials in Integrative Healthcare

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD, Mark Tager, MD, Joel Evans, MD

Lecture 15: Moving Forward: Mind-Body Practices for Empowerment & Change

Lecturer: Anita Teresa Boeninger, RYT

Lecture 16: Breakout Session A: Identify Hidden Immune Burdens with Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) Test of Immune Resilience

Lecturer: Melissa Crispell, Joseph Hickey, MD

Lecture 17: Breakout Session B: Know Thy Patients: Using Technology to Facilitate Health Improvement

Lecturer: Mette Dyhrberg, Thomas Blomseth Christiansen

Lecture 18: Breakout Session C: Rediscovering the Joy in Medicine—How to Thrive in a Broken System

Lecturer: Lillie Rosenthal, DO

Lecture 19: Alumni Trackout A: A Practice Transformation Toolkit for The Era of Personalized Medicine

Lecturer: Mark Menolascino, MD

Lecture 20: Alumni Trackout B: Self-Care & Resilience During the Transition

Lecturer: Georgia Tetlow, MD

Lecture 21: Alumni Trackout C: Tech Tips & Tools for Building Your Web Presence

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD, James Maskell

Lecture 22: Alumni Trackout D: Technology & the Consumer Revolution—A Platform for Holistic Lifestyle

Lecturer: Aimon Kopera, MD, Peter Evans, PhD

Lecture 23: Taking Action & Moving Forward: Practical Steps for Practice Transformation

Lecturer: Derrick DeSilva, Jr, MD

  PRACTICE ESSENTIALS—Activating the Three Key Drivers of Practice Success

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

LECTURE 1: Practice Essentials Driver #1: Business Development

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

LECTURE 2: Practice Essentials Driver #2: Creating a WOW Experience

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

LECTURE 3: Practice Essentials Driver #3: Administrative Excellence

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

  2013 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Erik Goldman Jeff Gladd, MD Shilpa Saxena, MD Michael Gaeta, Lac Chad Larson, NMD, DC Steven Masley, MD David Perlmutter, MD Marcela Dominguez, MD Erin Martin, DO Richard Jaffe, Esq. Deanna Minich, PhD Harry Massey Miriam Zacharias James Maskell John La Puma, MD Tina Beaudoin, ND Mette Dyhrberg & Thomas Blomseth Christiansen

Lecture 1: Primary Care at the Tipping Point: Key Findings from HPC’s 2013 Physician Survey

Lecturer: Erik Goldman

Lecture 2: Facing Fears & Moving Forward: Transforming Inner Obstacles to Success

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD

Lecture 3: The Need for Implementing Functional & Integrative Medicine in Primary Care

Lecturer: Shilpa Saxena, MD

Lecture 4: Practical Steps for Implementing Group Visits in Primary Care

Lecturer: Shilpa Saxena, MD

Lecture 5: Asset Creation & Asset Protection—Improving Patient Care & Practice Success

Lecturer: Michael Gaeta, LAc

Lecture 6: Are Chemicals & Infections Contributing to Your Patients’ Clinical Complaints?

Lecturer: Chad Larson, DC, NMD

Lecture 7: Evidence-Based Weight Loss: How to Make it a Viable Part of Your Practice

Lecturer: Steven Masley, MD

Lecture 8: The Leading Edge of Functional Neurology—Modifying the Risk Factors for Cognitive Disorders

Lecturer: David Perlmutter, MD

Lecture 9: Integrative Medicine in a Concierge Model: Tips for Making the Transition

Lecturer: Marcela Dominguez, MD

Lecture 10: The TrueMed Model of Independent Integrative Practice

Lecturer: Erin Martin, DO

Lecture 11: Medicolegal Intensive: Key Legal & Regulatory Issues in Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Rick Jaffe, Esq

Lecture 12: The Future of Personalized Lifestyle Medicine: Application to the Clinic

Lecturer: Deanna Minich, PhD

Lecture 13: Mapping the Human Energy Field

Lecturer: Harry Massey

Lecture 14: Thrive: Fast Track Your Holistic Practice Without Losing Your Shirt, Your Mind, or Your Soul

Lecturer: Miriam G. Zacharias, MS, LPSN

Lecture 15: Leveraging Your Time: Using Video for Effective Patient Education & Motivation

Lecturer: James Maskell

Lecture 16: Helping Men Refuel: Implementing Lasting Lifestyle Strategies for Adult Males

Lecturer: John La Puma, MD

Lecture 17: Breakout Session A: Know Thy Patients: Using Technology to Facilitate Health Improvement

Lecturer: Mette Dyhrberg, Thomas Blomseth Christiansen

  2012 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Lecturer: Philippa Kennealy, MD Erminia “Mimi” Guarneri, MD Steven Masley, MD Corey Evans, MD Aristo Vojdani, PhD Aristo Vojdani, PhD Michelle May, MD Miriam Zacharias, PhD Tim Brolus Sara Gottfried, MD Molly & Bruce Roberts, MD Hans Vink, PhD Alan Dumoff, JD, MSW James Maskell & Miriam Zacharias Bethany Hays, MD Jaclyn Chasse, ND Jeff Gladd, MD Chris Shoffner

Lecture 1: Practicing Like a Healer, Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

Lecturer: Philippa Kennealy, MD

Lecture 2: Practice Management Lessons Learned from the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine

Lecturer: Erminia “Mimi” Guarneri, MD

Lecture 3: Integrative Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction

Lecturer: Steven Masley, MD, Conference Chairman, Founder & Director, Masley Optimal Health Center, St. Petersburg, FL.

Lecture 4: Exercise Stress Testing in Primary Care

Lecturer: Corey Evans, MD

Lecture 5: From Leaky Gut to Autoimmunity: Next Generation Assessment Tools

Lecturer: Aristo Vojdani, PhD

Lecture 6: Lessons Learned on the Path to Integrative Private Practice

Lecturer: Jeffrey Gladd, MD

Lecture 7: Mindful Eating: An Essential Ingredient for Sustainable Lifestyle Change

Lecturer: Michelle May, MD

Lecture 8: Time Management Tactics to Enhance Practice Productivity

Lecturer: Miriam Zacharias, PhD

Lecture 9: The Three Key Drivers for Practice Success: A New Mindset for Activating Your Potential

Lecturer: Tim Brolus

Lecture 10: The Care & Feeding of a Sustainable, Independent, Women’s Health Practice

Lecturer: Sara Gottfried, MD

Lecture 11: The Integrative “Specialist” Consultant: A New & Effective Practice Model

Lecturer: Molly & Bruce Roberts, MD

Lecture 12: The Endothelial Glycocalyx & Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

Lecturer: Hans Vink, PhD

Lecture 13: Top Ten Medicolegal Mistakes Integrative Practitioners Make….And How to Avoid Them

Lecturer: Alan Dumoff, JD, MSW

Lecture 14: Beyond Marketing: Why the Internet Should Be Holistic Medicine’s Best Friend

Lecturer: James Maskell & Miriam Zacharias

Lecture 15: The Circle Process, Staff Satisfaction & the Successful Integrative Practice: Lessons Learned from the True North Clinic

Lecturer: Bethany Hays, MD

Lecture 16: Office-Based Supplement Dispensing

Lecturer: Jaclyn Chasse, ND

Lecture 17: Creating Your Ideal Practice

Lecturer: Jeff Gladd, MD

Lecture 18: Changing How We Pay for HealthCare

Lecturer: Chris Shoffner

Botanical Medicine >>
  Coming soon
Chronic Disease Care >>
  Coming soon

HTP 2015 San Diego

Holistic Primary Care | Holistic Education Exchange |  Heal Thy Practice Conference

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  • Healing Traditions
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  • Botanical Medicine
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  • Practice Development
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2015 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

2015 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

Learn practical, field-tested strategies that will help you put the Health back in healthcare! This course features lectures from the popular Heal Thy Practice-Transforming Patient Care 2015 conference held on Coronado Island, San Diego, CA.

Opening remarks from Conference Chairman, Mark Menolascino, MD

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Many conferences teach the “what” of holistic and integrative medicine. Heal Thy Practice teaches the “How.”

Heal Thy Practice offers clinical skill-building, nuts & bolts practice development, and inspiration from pioneers in holistic/integrative medicine. The presentations address key challenges in building and sustaining a thriving holistic/integrative medical practice.

Whether you’re contemplating a major practice change in your practice model or simply looking for practical advice for improving the fiscal health of your practice and the physical health of your patients, you’ll find a wealth of valuable guidance from Heal Thy Practice 2015. Our renowned faculty offers you their real world, field-tested experience and practical steps for creating and maintaining a healthy and health-focused integrative practice.

Key topics in this course include:

  • Diagnosing & Managing Gluten Sensitivity & Other Food Allergies
  • Understanding the Role of Genomics in Daily Clinical Practice
  • Making Clinical Sense of the Microbiome & its Role in Common Chronic Disorders
  • Billing Strategies for Insurance-Based Integrative Medicine
  • Strengths & Drawbacks of Direct-Pay and Other Practice Models
  • Medicolegal & Regulatory Issues in Integrative/Holistic Medicine
  • Utilizing Information Technology to Strengthen the Practitioner-Patient Relationship
  • Social Media & Online Tools for Patient Education & Practice-Building
  • Practical “Nuts & Bolts” Entrepreneurial Skills for Practice Building
  • Managing Inflammation in Cardiovascular, Metabolic & Neurocognitive Disorders
  • How to Choose Clinically-Effective & Profitable Ancillary Services
  • Strategies for Successful Direct-Pay Practice
  • Practice-Building Tips from Highly Prosperous Practitioners
  • Ritual & Self Care for Empowerment & Change

And much more.

2015 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

  • Course: 2015 Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Patient Care Conference

    Heal Thy Practice, produced by Holistic Primary Care, is the nation’s leading conference on practice transformation & the implementation of integrative care. The 2015 program, held on Coronado Island in San Diego, CA, provided equal measures of clinical skill-building, nuts & bolts practice development, and inspiration from some of the pioneers and key opinion leaders in holistic/integrative medicine.

    Whether you’re contemplating a major practice change or simply looking for practical advice for improving the fiscal health of your practice and the physical health of your patients, you’ll find a wealth of valuable guidance from Heal Thy Practice 2015. Our renowned faculty offers you their real world, field-tested experience and practical steps for creating and maintaining a healthy and health-focused integrative practice.

  • Faculty and Disclosures

    Menolascino webMark Menolascino, MD, CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN

    Founder & Director, Meno Clinic Center for Advanced Medicine, Jackson Hole, WY

    Choosing Ancillary Services for Improved Outcome & Increased Revenue
    There are literally thousands of ancillary services now being marketed to physicians and other practitioners. The right ones can bring major improvements both to patient care and to the fiscal health of a practice. The wrong ones can be a big drain. Dr. Menolascino, a long-time Heal Thy Practice alumnus, who directs a thriving functional medicine practice in Jackson Hole, WY, shares insight on how to select ancillaries that are right for you.


    O'Bryan webTom O'Bryan, DC, Founder, The Gluten Summit

    The Neurological Underbelly of the Gluten-Free Lifestyle: Potential Benefits, Devastating Dangers

    A chiropractor by training, Dr. O'Bryan quickly realized that nutrition and food-related issues were central to the challenges his patients faced. Since then, he has become one of the world's foremost experts on gluten sensitivity & other food allergies. Widely respected for his diagnostic acumen, as well as his communication skills, Dr. O'Bryan returns to Heal Thy Practice with new perspectives on gluten and other common food allergens, their impact on neurophysiology, and the pros & cons of major dietary changes. Based in San Diego, Dr. O'Bryan is director of the Gluten Summit, and founder of the Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity Certification Program.


    Carnahan webJill Carnahan, MD, Flatiron Functional Medicine, Boulder, CO

    Making Clinical Sense of the Microbiome; How to Build & Develop a Cash-Pay Practice Discoveries about the human microbiome are reshaping many aspects of medicine and opening new avenues for treatment not only of digestive disorders but also depression, sleep problems, and autoimmune conditions. Dr. Carnahan will offer practical tips for incorporating microbiome testing as well as probiotic treatments into routine practice.



    Lundquist webErik Lundquist, MD, Founder, Temecula Center for Integrative Medicine, Temecula, CA

    The Practice Transformation Journey; Insurance-Based Integrative Medicine

    Many people believe true integrative medicine is only possible in a direct-pay or concierge practice model. Not so, says Dr. Lundquist, who is able to provide high-quality functional medicine in a fully insurance-based practice that was overbooked just 3 months after opening! Success requires solid teamwork, careful coding, and openness to community input. In his talks, Dr. Lundquist will share valuable lessons learned along the path from frustration to fulfillment.


    LaValle webJames LaValle, RPh, Founder, Metabolic Medicine Institute, George Washington University

    Fundamentals of Metabolic Medicine

    A pharmacist by training, Dr. LaValle discovered the limitations of drug-based medicine early in his career. Since then, he's focused on the role of nutrition & lifestyle change in transforming lives. Working closely with Dr. Andrew Heyman at George Washington University, Dr. LaValle founded the Metabolic Medicine Institute to help more practitioners leverage the insights obtained from systems biology for improved clinical outcomes.


    Fox webNiki Fox, Owner, Integrative Medicine Consulting Group

    Insurance-Based Integrative Medicine

    As Dr. Lundquist's partner in the Temecula Center for Integrative Medicine, Ms. Fox shares her unique perspectives on practice administration, billing & coding, and clinical teambuilding in the context of a busy integrative primary care clinic.



    Briggs webBridget Briggs, MD, Private Practice, Murrietta, CA

    Medical Director, EpigeneticsRX

    Getting a Grip on Genomics Clinicians are scrambling to catch up with the genomics revolution, as proactive patients seek gene tests from direct-to-consumer companies like 23andMe. Dr. Briggs, who heads a successful insurance-based functional medicine practice, will describe how she uses genome data in the context of other clinical tests to guide her treatment decisions.



    Weiss webDecker Weiss, NMD, Naturopathic Cardiologist, Scottsdale, AZ

    New Perspectives on Chronic Inflammation

    Conventional medicine has limited tools for dealing with chronic, systemic inflammation. From his unique perspective as the first naturopathic physician to complete a residency
    and fellowship in cardiology, and the first to work in a conventional cardiac hospital (Arizona Heart Hospital), Dr. Weiss will share holistic strategies for down-regulating inflammatory pathways. He will also explore the relationship between inflammation on the individual level and the interpersonal "inflammation" that underlies global conflict.


    DyhrbergMette Dyhrberg, M.Sc.
    Chief Executive Officer, Founder, Mymee

    Mette has a Masters in Economics from Aarhus University School of Business & Social Sciences, Denmark, and also graduated from Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In her twenties, she was affected by severe chronic illnesses that took her from being highly active and earning top grades to being incapacitated and unable to read a book; from working as a model to being overweight and medicated like an elderly person. With a constantly changing and ever expanding array of different diagnoses she felt like she had been shelved. To try to find patterns and gain insights to help herself, she started tracking her own condition. Her early work in self-tracking led to the creation of Mymee, a technology platform that empowers patients and practitioners to identify non-obvious but very important symptom triggers. Having felt the powerlessness of being an “unsolvable case,” Mette put her business skills to work to help empower others in a similar situations.


    Shojai webPedram Shojai, OMD, Founder,

    Opportunities in Corporate Wellness

    Dr. Shojai is an accomplished practitioner of Chinese medicine, a healthcare entrepreneur, and a health educator based in the Los Angeles area. He is also a key player in the corporate wellness field, working extensively with corporations large and small to improve the health status of their employees. Companies nationwide spent nearly $20 billion on these programs, and they are desperately seeking what holistic/functional medicine practitioners have to offer. Dr. Shojai will review the opportunities now emerging in corporate wellness, and share strategies for breaking into this fast-moving field.


    Zacharias webMiriam Zacharias, MS, LPSN, CEO, Competitive Fitness Group

    The PEACE Process—Practice-Building Tips from Highly Prosperous

    Practitioners Practice consultant Miriam Zacharias returns to Heal Thy Practice with fresh insight on how to market integrative practices in ways that are in synch with the core values of healing. She will share practice building strategies from her new book, The PEACE Process, and offer essential practice development tips gleaned from hundreds of participants in her recent Prosperous Practitioner Summit.



    Simon webJacques Simon, Esq, New York, NY
    Medicolegal Intensive: Key Legal & Regulatory Issues for Integrative Clinicians

    Jacques Simon is one of the nation's top attorneys focused on medicolegal issues in holistic medicine. Trained at Hofstra School of Law, and holding licenses in NY, CT and GA, he specializes in defending holistic practitioners, and in stopping ad hoc disciplinary proceedings against them. His unique approach saves licenses, livelihoods and practices. In this lively interactive session, Simon will offer tips for keeping your practice on solid legal ground.



    Minton webScott Minton, PhD, Scientific Advisor, Nordic Naturals

    The Heart-Mind Connection: Exploring the Impact of Cardiovascular Disease on Mental Health

    Cardiovascular and mental health are intimately related. Physiologist Scott Minton, MS, PhD, will review the emerging evidence of the role played by omega-3s EPA and DHA in modulating membrane receptors, channels, and associated signal transduction pathways to affect cardiovascular, cognitive and emotional functions. He will also provide practical
    tools for determining clinically doses of omega-3s in different patient populations.
    Sponsored by Nordic Naturals


    Dvorak webSylva Dvorak, PhD, Psychoneurology & Integrative Health, Encinitas, CA

    Moving Forward: Mind-Body Practices for Empowerment & Change

    Psychoneurologist Sylva Dvorak has devoted years studying the pathways through which physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual signals are processed and integrated. With emphasis on movement and ritual as tools for transformation, she helps clients restore physical & emotional health, overcome self-defeating behaviors, and make positive changes. In this special experiential workshop, Dr. Dvorak guide Heal Thy Practice attendees in creating rituals to help them move forward in their professional and personal lives.

  • Learning Objectives

    By viewing/auditing these lectures, participants will learn to:

    • Enhance clinical skills through evidence-based approaches to diagnosing and managing systemic inflammation, food sensitivities, common gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and neurocognitive conditions.
    • Improve the care of “difficult” patients with complex chronic disorders conditions.
    • Implement integrative & functional medicine within conventional insurancebased practice settings.
    • Understand strengths and drawbacks of various practice models for prevention-oriented medicine.
    • Utilize concepts from systems biology to improve clinical outcomes.
    • Optimize the use of healthcare information technology and ancillary health services within their practices.
    • Acquire a firm grasp of the medicolegal aspects of holistic/integrative practice.
    • Integrate the emerging sciences of genomics and microbiomics into daily clinical practice.
    • Market & manage their practices in a way that is in synch with their highest values and ethics.
    • Renew enthusiasm for clinical practice.

    Target Audience

    The Heal Thy Practice 2015 lectures are intended for primary care medical doctors, (MDs), doctors ofosteopathy (DOs), broad-scope chiropractors (DCs), naturopathic physicians (NDs/NMDs), nurses, nutrition counselors, medical students, office administrators, and other health care professionals interested in improving the business aspects of their practice through prevention-focused, patient-centered medicine.

    Computer System Requirements:

    To view the HD video stream (no downloads) you will need high-speed internet access (DSL or cable broadband), and a standard browser that supports Flash and HTML5. This website is optimized to be viewed with Chrome or Firefox. If you experience any problems while using another web browser please, please consider using one of the recommended browsers before contacting us for support. If these steps do not resolve your issues (or you want to send us feedback), please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or fill out our feedback form by clicking on Tell us what you think in the top menu. Users on mobile devices should be aware that streaming over a cellular data network (instead of wi-fi) will use significant bandwith (hundreds of Megabytes per hour of video). Low bandwidth users may wish stream or download the audio only versions of our lectures.


    • Pedram Shojai, OMD, is a major shareholder in & founder of the Corporate Wellness Academy
    • Mette Dyhrberg is a major shareholder in Mymee
    • James LaValle, RPh, is founder and chairman of the board of Metabolic Code
    • Scott Minton, PhD, is a scientific advisor for Nordic Naturals
    • Bridget Briggs, MD, is a consultant for Epigenetics Rx, and Genova Diagnostics
  • Lecture 1: Journey of an Integrative Physician--Key Lessons Learned

    In an era when many clinicians are convinced private practice is a relic of the past, and corporate control is inevitable, Dr. Erik Lundquist's Temecula Center for Integrative Medicine is a shining example of what can happen when a practitioner responds to what his or her community really needs. TCIM is a small private clinic providing high-quality functional medicine in a fully insurance-based model. It was overbooked just 3 months after opening. Heal Thy Practice alumnus, Dr. Lundquist shares valuable lessons learned on his journey from a Marine field hospital in Afghanistan to opening his own clinic in Temecula. He provides insight on cultivating teamwork, careful coding, creating positive patient experiences, and communicating with the community.

  • Lecture 2: Opportunities in Corporate Wellness

    American companies spent nearly $20 billion on employee wellness programs last year, and they are desperately seeking what holistic/functional medicine practitioners have to offer.  Dr. Pedram Shojai,  an accomplished practitioner of Chinese medicine, is also a key player in the corporate wellness field. He works extensively with corporations large and small to improve the health status of their employees. Dr. Shojai outlines the opportunities now emerging in corporate wellness, and share strategies for breaking into this fast-moving field.

  • Lecture 3: Insurance-Based Integrative Medicine

    Many people believe that integrative medicine is only possible in a direct-pay or concierge practice model. Not so, says Heal Thy Practice alumnus, Dr. Erik Lundquist. He and his colleagues at Temecula Center for Integrative Medicine are providing high-quality functional medicine in a fully insurance-based model. He and his business partner, Niki Fox, explain how to code for functional medicine services, how they use “incident-to” billing, and their reasons for choosing an insurance model instead of direct pay.

  • Lecture 4: Practice Development Roundtable Q&A

    In this lively session, Heal Thy Practice alumni Drs. Erik Lundquist and Mark Menolascino, along with Niki Fox and Pedram Shojai share insight and answer key questions on billing and coding, incident-to strategies, staffing issues, emerging opportunities in holistic medicine, pros and cons of various practice models, and more. Facilitated by Holistic Primary Care’s editor, Erik Goldman.

  • Lecture 5: New Perspectives on Inflammation

    Conventional medicine has limited tools for dealing with chronic, systemic inflammation. From his unique perspective as the first naturopathic physician to complete a residency and fellowship in cardiology, and the first to work in a conventional cardiac hospital, Dr. Decker Weiss will share holistic strategies for down-regulating inflammatory pathways.

  • Lecture 6: Fire on the Brain: Impact of Inflammation on Cognitive Function

    From ADHD and autism spectrum disorders in childhood to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s in advanced age, neurological and cognitive disorders are increasingly common problems.  As was the case with cardiovascular disease 20 years ago, the medical community is slowly starting to realize the degree to which chronic systemic inflammation plays a role in all of these disorders. This opens vast new treatment and prevention possibilities. Dr. Mark Menolascino shares both scientific data and clinical pearls for better management of inflammation leading to cognitive problems.

  • Lecture 7: Making Clinical Sense of the Microbiome

    Discoveries about the human microbiome are reshaping many aspects of medicine and opening new avenues for treatment not only of digestive disorders but also depression, sleep problems, and autoimmune conditions. Dr. Jill Carnahan offers practical tips for incorporating microbiome testing, probiotic treatments, and gut-healing protocols into routine practice.

  • Lecture 8: Cracking the Metabolic Code

    Practitioners who understand how to leverage insights obtained from systems biology can vastly improve their clinical outcomes in managing patients with complex chronic disorders.  Jim LaValle, RPh,  describes a simple yet highly flexible analytic system he developed with Dr. Andrew Heyman at George Washington University, that helps clinicians read through the metabolic noise and put biomarkers into meaningful perspective for themselves and their patients.

  • Lecture 9: How to Build a Cash-Pay Practice

    Drawing from her own experience in creating the highly successful Flatiron Functional Medicine clinic near Boulder, CO, Dr. Jill Carnahan offers practical tips and valuable lessons for the establishment of a direct-pay clinical practice. She shares insight on pricing services, bookkeeping, marketing with integrity, financing the transition, creating referral streams, and overcoming personal fears of change.

  • Lecture 10: Choosing Ancillary Services for Improved Outcomes & New Revenue

    There are literally thousands of ancillary services now being marketed to physicians and other practitioners. The right ones can bring major improvements both to patient care and to the fiscal health of a practice. The wrong ones can be a big drain. Heal Thy Practice program chairman, Dr. Mark Menolascino draws on his own personal experience to share insight on how to select ancillaries that will really make a difference to you and your patients.

  • Lecture 11: HolisTech: IT Tips for Renewing the Patient-Practitioner Relationship

    All-too-often, computer technology has been an intrusion on the practitioner-patient relationship, disrupting and distracting rather than facilitating communication. It need not be this way, and a new wave of mobile tech—much of it developed by patients themselves—can heal these broken lines of communication Mette Dyhrberg, co-founder of the Mymee self-tracking app, is among a new generation of  “patient-preneurs” who’ve translated their own health challenges into useful tools. She shares insight on how to make tech healthier, friendlier and more helpful to both practitioners and patients.

  • Lecture 12: Implementing Genomics into Your Practice

    Clinicians are scrambling to catch up with the genomics revolution, as proactive patients seek gene tests from direct-to-consumer companies like 23andMe. Dr. Bridget Briggs, who heads a successful insurance-based functional medicine practice in Murrieta, CA, will describe how she uses genome data in the context of other clinical tests to guide her treatment decisions. She puts together the pieces of the MTHFR puzzle, and shares insight on how she bills for gene testing and interpretation, and how she’s been able to obtain buy-in from insurers.

  • Lecture 13: The PEACE Process: Practice-Building Tips from Prosperous Practitioners

    Practice development consultant Miriam Zacharias returns to Heal Thy Practice with fresh insight on how to nurture and market integrative practices in ways that are in synch with the core values of healing. She offers practice-building strategies from her new book, The PEACE Process, and essential practice development tips gleaned from hundreds of participants in her recent Prosperous Practitioner Summit.

  • Lecture 14: Medicolegal Update for Integrative Practitioners

    Jacques Simon, one of the nation's top attorneys focused on medicolegal issues in holistic medicine, returns to Heal Thy Practice with legal perspectives on informed consent, record-keeping in integrative medicine, billing for holistic services, dealing with state medical boards. Throughout this lively interactive session, Simon offers tips for avoiding legal and regulatory hassles and for keeping your practice on solid medicolegal ground.

  • Lecture 15: The Neurological Underbelly of the Gluten-Free Lifestyle

    One of the world's foremost experts on gluten sensitivity & other food allergies, returns to Heal Thy Practice with new perspectives on gluten and other common food allergens, their impact on neurophysiology, and the pros & cons of major dietary changes. You may think you know gluten, but until you’ve heard Dr. O’Bryan you don’t know the half of it!

  • Lecture 16: Ritual & Neural Pathways for New Practice Paradigms

    Psychoneurologist Sylva Dvorak, PhD, has devoted years studying the pathways through which physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual signals are processed and integrated. With emphasis on movement and ritual as tools for transformation, she helps people restore health, overcome self-defeating behaviors, and make positive changes. In this special workshop, Dr. Dvorak guides Heal Thy Practice attendees in creating rituals that will help them move forward in their professional and personal lives.

  • Lecture 17: Building Metabolic Bedrock: Nutritional Principles for Effective Management of Cardiovascular & Nervous System Dysfunctions

    Cardiovascular and mental health are intimately related. Physiologist Scott Minton, MS, PhD, reviews the emerging evidence of the role played by omega-3s EPA and DHA in modulating membrane receptors, channels, and associated signal transduction pathways to affect cardiovascular, cognitive and emotional functions. He also provides practical tools for determining clinically doses of omega-3s in different patient populations.  (Sponsored by Nordic Naturals)

  • Lecture 18: Assessing Chronic Fatigue in Clinical Practice

    Chronic fatigue is common: studies suggest that it comes up in more than 20% of all patient contacts. While no single cause of chronic fatigue has yet been identified, there are indications that nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, changes to the hypothalamic pituitary- adrenal axis, immune reactions to food, and GI dysfunctions all play a role.  Bridget Briggs, MD, describes the multifactorial etiology of chronic fatigue, explains how to measure and interpret the interrelationships of metabolic biomarkers associated with this complex condition, and shares practice pearls for improving outcomes with CFS patients. (Sponsored by Genova Diagnostics)